Coal Harbour—Over the course of its short four years of existence, the fanciful H Tasting Lounge (inexplicably known as "HJU:Z" when it originally opened) has become one of my preferred cocktail bars in the city with its somewhat hidden oasis quality despite a very much prime location inside the legendary Westin Bayshore hotel near the tail end of the Vancouver Waterfront strip just before the entrance to Stanley Park.

Creamsicle (with clarified milk punch and champagne)

On an otherwise mild-mannered weekend mid-afternoon, we settled into our barside seating to enjoy some specially-made off-menu cocktail creations handmade by talented bartender Chiara Fung (above).

There's an inviting and somewhat low-key atmosphere thanks in part to the Bayshore's wide-open lobby space, high ceilings, and HTL's straightforward offerings regardless of the golden, shiny interior or general upscale decor.

espresso cocktail

pineapple mojito
More | YVArcade / 2017 / 2018 / H2 / Montecristo