April 25, 2012

IKEA Richmond Store x Preview Shopping Night x Opening

New IKEA Canada store preview shopping night in Richmond on April 23, 2012.

IKEA Canada | Richmond, BC

Before the public grand opening, media and industry folks packing the brand new IKEA Richmond store for a private cocktail reception and preview shopping night.

Photo | Maurice Li

IKEA Canada | Richmond, BC

Bunnies Tania Yan and Chin Chin Ho busy sipping on wine and tweeting the night's festivities in the kitchen and restaurant area beyond the cavernous warehouse store.

Photo | Maurice Li
PR gal Crystal Kwon and lifestyle writer Amy Chan enjoying the new store preview opening.

IKEA Canada | Richmond, BC

Me, playing house in one of the many show display bedrooms in my Iron Man t-shirt from Fan Expo. Opening day is Wednesday, April 25.

Photo | Maurice Li

IKEA Restaurant & Cafe on Urbanspoon