November 4, 2011

Official Canucks Tweetup x Boston Pizza x Broadway

Official Canucks Tweetup #1Vancouver Canucks 5, Calgary Flames 1 at Boston Pizza on West Broadway November 1, 2011.

Canucks Tweetup #1 | Boston Pizza

I finally made it to an official Canucks Tweetup (the first of the 2011-12 season) after failing to all last year. The event was hosted by the hockey club, social media coordinator Nicole van Zanten and The Beat's Chris Palliser.

Canucks Tweetup #1 | Boston Pizza

The place was fairly packed for a slightly earlier start out of Calgary.

Canucks Tweetup #1 | Boston PizzaCanucks Tweetup #1 | Boston Pizza

It was slow going in the first, but the Canucks turned it on for a 5-1 rout, electrifying the rowdy crowd. We blamed (Dennis) Pang for ruining Lu's shutout.

Canucks Tweetup #1 | Boston Pizza

I enjoyed the game with a tasty plate of fried hot wings and many pitchers of ales. During periods, Nicole and Chris played table trivia, giving away prizes.

Canucks Tweetup #1 | Boston Pizza

It was a fun tweetup, watching the game, having a few wobbly pops with fellow fans early in the season. I expect them to get only bigger throughout the year.

Originally published in Vancouver Is Awesome.

Boston Pizza (West Broadway) on Urbanspoon