"Becky, Derek and I are announcing the immediate cease to activity as YSP. Call it a hiatus. Call it a break. Call it whatever you want..."

I really do love You Say Party. They were/are one of my favourite bands. Obviously, it's been a rough go for them. I was looking forward to seeing perform again on tour before they had to cancel once again.
Their latest album, XXXX was my pick for top Canadian record of last year. They're great to watch live. I'm bummed I never did get to catch their revamped, new lineup.
Unfortunately, I was there was tragedy struck the band on stage. In fact, it was the first real "news story" I ever broke. I was able to learn many lessons and stark realities from that event about the importance of art and professionalism.

Their evolution under difficult times parallels my own progress and direction in life in an odd way. I hope they find their inspiration again and produce whatever art speaks to them.
I really don't have much else to say on the matter. I've probably exploited and highlighted them far too much already. I figured I would take this opportunity to quickly revisit and spotlight what I admired so much about them in the first place, their music.
Be sure to watch their Twin Peaks inspired music video for "Laura Palmer's Prom" below featuring a brief appearance by the late Devin Clifford, himself. Whatever happens, I will always be thankful for their music.
Source | Straight
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