"Rules don't apply."

Coal Harbour—(November 16, 2017) The shiny and new but awkwardly named HJU:Z Lounge (pronounced "Hughes"), quietly nestled inside The Westin Bayshore hotel, was unveiled recently to much glitz and glamour—just down the hall from the still fairly recently opened H2 Rotisserie & Bar from earlier this year.

Hoping to be a Waterfront watering hole staple with its "fly away" aviation theme inspired by reclusive billionaire Howard Hughes' notorious six-month long stay at the hotel (then called the Bayshore Inn) in 1972.

apple jack silver fizz (New York) with brandy, cider, egg white, sugar, and soda

redemption sour (Omsk) cocktail with gin, seabuckthorn, lemon juice, and orange bitters

Each specialty cocktail libation is based on a different global city inspired by destinations from Hughes' legendary 91-hour trip around the world. HJU:Z is full of little touches and details with its old school dirty thirties meets forties art deco vibe and throwback decor.

muscovite (Moscow) cocktail with lime juice, Haskap berry syrup, ginger beer, and beet powder
Update: It appears HJU:Z has since been (wisely) renamed to the more clearly pronounceable "H Tasting Lounge".
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