August 8, 2016

WANDER | Pacific Polo Cup x Southlands Riding Club

"It's like ice hockey on horseback."
Pacific Polo Cup 2016 | Southlands Riding Club

Kerrisdale—(Augut 6, 2016) The third annual Pacific Polo Cup thrown by the Vancouver Polo Club took place at the Southlands Riding Club (since 1943) over the weekend. As a guest of Veuve Clicquot, we took in the all the horseback festivities. It was a (not too) sunny and hazy afternoon filled with fun, fanciful mingling and people watching—many were dressed to the nines reminiscent of Deighton Cup—amidst witnessing the so-called sport of kings.

Pacific Polo Cup 2016 | Southlands Riding Club

The organized, beautiful chaos of horseback riding and polo action in progress.

Pacific Polo Cup 2016 | Southlands Riding Club

Flower child Stephanie Wan and I (bowtie, sport jacket, and all) enjoying the champagne life.

Pacific Polo Cup 2016 | Southlands Riding Club

Empty art. I heart champagne.

Pacific Polo Cup 2016 | Southlands Riding Club

A healthy pour in the VIP lounge.

Pacific Polo Cup 2016 | Southlands Riding Club

Georgia Straight staff writer Tammy Kwan and Steph yucking it up all fancy like while taking in the match.

Pacific Polo Cup 2016 | Southlands Riding Club

The bubbly chill of victory.

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